Houghton Elementary School is a child-centered school focused on learning. The school has a population of five hundred children within a grade span of kindergarten through grade four. The school seeks to provide its children with a strong foundation in basic skills and opportunities to extend the thinking of young minds. By matching children's natural curiosity with literature, mathematics, science/technology, the arts, and the environment our school fosters life long learning for these future citizens of the twenty-first century.
Houghton Elementary School promotes and reinforces social values that exist in society: respect, responsibility, kindness, honesty, and cooperation. Children, like adults, are social beings. Houghton is a place which promotes a true sense of community where children care to learn and learn to care.
Staff, parents, volunteers, and guests need to serve as appropriate models for young children. The responsibility of public education is significant and must be shared by all the public: school staff, parents, local government and its citizens. Then in unison it can be stated: We believe our children are the future.